Anabel Ho and Our Academy
Anabel Ho
VAD Artistic Director/Principal
RAD International Examiner
Ms. Ho has taught and choreographed for the past 30 years. Her training spans the globe and covers the full spectrum of dance styles with emphasis on classical ballet and Chinese dance. Ms. Ho has trained with internationally noted artists in North America and abroad. She is widely recognized by her many achievements around the world. Anabel has performed, taught and choreographed throughout Canada and other regions, including the USA, China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Poland and Taiwan.
Ms. Ho's credentials include: Royal Academy of Dance International Examiner, Associate and Advanced Executant of the Royal Academy of Dance, Fully Registered Teacher of the Royal Academy of Dance, Associate of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance, Acrobatic Arts Levels 1 & 2 Certified, Progressive Ballet Technique and Gravity Yoga Certification.
Ms. Ho has presented command performances for Her Majesty the Queen, Governor General and Prime Minister of Canada, as well as Royalties and Heads of State of many countries. She has been invited to adjudicate dance competitions throughout North America and has been commissioned to choreograph for several productions, including: Rick Hansen's 100th Anniversary TV Special for CBC, Nissan Go 2000 Dealership Convention, APEC Conference, International Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese Cultural Centre's Millenium Project "Gold, Maple, Dreams" Dance Production, CBC's Gung Haggis Fat Choy and various other notable events.
Anabel has also acted as a choreography consultant for National Ice Dancing Champions Meaghan Wing and Erin Lowe. Ms. Ho has produced dance performances for the movie “Deep Risings” and Buena Vista’s Vancouver promotions of the Disney movie “Mulan”. In addition, Ms. Ho was invited to choreograph for the Queen’s Royal visit to BC, the 2010 Sea to Sky Bid for the Vancouver Olympics, the United Nations World Urban Forum Closing Ceremonies, CCTV's New Year Special "The Same Song", and for all the Premiers of Canada for the launch of the Canadian Pavilion at the Beijing Olympics. Moreover, Anabel was selected as an advisor for the Opening Ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and Paralympics. She directed and choreographed works for the International Olympic Committee Annual General Meeting, as well as for Prime Minister Stephen Harper's visit to Vancouver in 2010.
何翠贤(ANABEL HO - 温哥华舞蹈学院创始人兼院长、艺术总监。英国皇家芭蕾舞考官。何女士在过去的29年中一直从事舞蹈教学和编舞。她的培训遍及全球,涵盖了所有的舞蹈风格,重点是古典芭蕾舞和中国舞。何女士在北美乃至全球各地接受过国际知名艺术家的专业培训,她的艺术成就得到了全世界专业人士的一致认可。何女士曾在加拿大和其他国家及地区(包括美国,中国,英国,法国,德国,希腊,荷兰,波兰和台湾)进行舞蹈表演、教学和编舞。她的资历包括:皇家舞蹈学院考级评审官;皇家舞蹈学院资深会员和高级执行官;皇家舞蹈学院的官方认证老师;帝国舞蹈学会资深会员(英国伦敦)和杂技艺术专业课程资格认证教师。
何女士为英国女王陛下、加拿大总督、加拿大总理以及世界各地许多国家的国家元首做过表演并担任节目的总策划总指挥。她受邀参加北美地区的所有大型专业舞蹈比赛,并受邀为舞蹈编舞,包括以下节目:里克·汉塞森(Rick Hansen) 在CBC播出的100周年电视专輯、日产汽车2000年经销商协议、APEC会议、国际龙舟节、中华文化中心的千年项目 “金,枫,梦”舞蹈作品、CBC的Gung Haggis Fat Choy以及其他极具影响力的大型活动。何女士曾担任过国际冰舞冠军Meaghan Wing和Erin Lowe的编舞顾问。她还为电影《深层崛起》和布埃纳·维斯塔在迪斯尼电影《木兰》的宣传片制作了舞蹈表演。何女士受邀请参加女王陛下对加拿大BC省的皇家访问,2010年国际奥林匹克委员会海天竞标,联合国世界城市论坛闭幕式,CCTV新年特别节目“同一首歌”,加拿大总理在北京奥运会上启动加拿大馆等活动的编舞和演出。何女士还被选为2010年温哥华冬奥会和残奥会开幕式的艺术顾问,她指导并编排的舞蹈作品为温哥华冬奥会开幕式呈现了卓越的高水准舞台。在加拿大前总理斯蒂芬·哈珀 (Stephen Harper) 2010年访问温哥华庆祝农历新年期间展现了精彩的表演。

Vancouver Academy of Dance
Established in 1995, VAD offers quality training in multi-disciplinary dance arts. The faculty consists of dedicated and experienced instructors that are amongst the most reputable in the nation and worldwide. The academy emphasizes challenge and enjoyment, as well as technical caliber education and training, students gain an appreciation for the performing arts, as well as give the sense of reaching their own greatest potential.
The Vancouver Academy of Dance (VAD) has been established to inspire creativity, develop potential, promote cultural diversity and foster appreciation for the performing arts.
Skills for the Real World
Students are encouraged to strive towards self-awareness, personal satisfaction and to build positive attitudes with respect to themselves and others. Through dancing, students gain self-confidence, discipline and self-motivation. The Vancouver Academy of Dance upholds a friendly, professional environment dedicated to personal growth, teamwork, collaboration, and physical and mental progress.
Measurable Results
VAD students have received numerous honourable distinction awards, trophies, medals and scholarships in regional, national and international dance competitions worldwide. Students of the Vancouver Academy of Dance have also continually obtained outstanding results annually in the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) and Imperial Society Teachers of Dance (ISTD) examinations.
温哥华舞蹈学院的学生在全世界的国际级、国家级、省际和州际高水平舞蹈比赛中获得了无数荣誉,奖项,奖杯,奖牌和奖学金。温哥华舞蹈学院的学生每年还在皇家舞蹈学院(RAD)和皇家学会舞蹈教师(ISTD) 资格考试中不断取得出色的成绩。
Performance Opportunities
VAD's Performance Division is in popular demand to perform in events and festivals around the Lower Mainland as well as abroad. They have performed in cities such as Victoria, Whistler, Grand Prairie, Calgary, Seattle, Seaside, North Carolina, Los Angeles, Orlando, New York, Beijing and Macau. VAD has also had the honour of performing for Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee and were invited to perform for the International Olympic Committee during their visit to Vancouver and the United Nations Urban Forum and have been televised across China, performing with Hong Kong stars Eric Tsang and Lisa Wang for CCTV's Chinese New Year Special "The Same Song".
VAD students performed for the Beijing Olympics BC Canadian Pavilion Launch for all the premiers of Canada and the Governor's Ball for the Vancouver Board of Trade. In addition, VAD students performed for the International Olympic Committee's Annual General Meeting, the Vancouver Chinese New Year Celebration for Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the 2010 Vancouver Paralympic Games Opening Ceremonies. VAD has represented Canada at the International Youth Dance Festival in Macau, Folkmoot International Music and Dance Festival in North Carolina, USA and Disneyland, California, USA.
温哥华舞蹈学院学生在北京奥运会BC-加拿大馆的揭幕仪式上为加拿大总理表演,在温哥华贸易委员会的州长舞会上呈现了精彩节目。学生们还在国际奥委会成员年度大会活动,总理史蒂芬·哈珀(Stephen Harper)的温哥华农历新年庆祝活动以及2010年残奥会开幕式上隆重献演。温哥华舞蹈学院学生代表加拿大参加了澳门国际青年舞蹈节、美国北卡罗来纳州的国际音乐舞蹈节以及美国加利福尼亚州的迪斯尼乐园大巡游。
Academy Programs
The Vancouver Academy of Dance offers quality training for everyone from preschoolers to adults. The main school is located in Richmond and offers three streams of study:
General Division
Examination Division
Performance/Competitive Division
Dance disciplines offered include:
Hip Hop
General Division
VAD's basic program emphasizes technique, artistic expression and the joy of dance. All students will perform in VAD's Annual Year End Production held in May/June. At the discretion of the faculty, selected classes will have the opportunity to participate in one local dance competition.
日常培训部门——温哥华舞蹈学院的基本课程强调技巧、艺术表现力和体验舞蹈的乐趣。所有学生都将参加每年5月/ 6月举行的温哥华舞蹈学院年度汇演。根据学院评审团的综合判断,选定的班级将有机会参加一项本地舞蹈比赛。
Examination Division
Entrance into this program is by director/instructor's approval only. Students work towards taking their examinations and are permitted for examination entry at the discretion of the director/instructor. Vancouver Academy of Dance is recognized as an approved centre for the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD) and Acrobatic Arts (AAC) curriculums. Students who successfully pass their graded examinations and reach a certain level of study will be eligible to receive Fine Arts Credits towards their Secondary School graduation, as recognized by the BC Ministry of Education. Students will also perform in VAD's Annual Year End Production. At the discretion of the faculty, selected classes will have the opportunity to participate in dance competitions.
Performance/Competitive Division
Students in the Performance/Competitive Division will have the opportunity to perform, travel and compete in various events and competitions throughout the year. Entrance into this program is by invitation or audition only. Students are required to attend all scheduled performances and competitions (approximately 2-5 competitions annually).
Performance experience is a vital and essential part of the dance curriculum. All programs (with the exception of "tech only" classes) will be given the opportunity to perform in the Annual Year End Production.